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Sartorius Minisart™ High Flow Syringe Filters: Sterile

Features PES membrane filter for excellent flow speed and high filtrable volume. Sartorius Minisart™ High Flow Syringe Filters: Sterile provide sterile filtration, particle removal and ultracleaning. Independent, ready-to-use syringe filters offer flow rates at low inlet pressures allowing for a correspondingly rapid sterile filtration.

Brand:  Sartorius 16541----------K

165.00 EUR valid until 2025-12-31
Use promo code "25339" to get your promotional price.

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Product Code. 10002261

  • 218.00€ / Pack of 50
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Features PES membrane filter for excellent flow speed and high filtrable volume. Sartorius Minisart™ High Flow Syringe Filters: Sterile provide sterile filtration, particle removal and ultracleaning. Independent, ready-to-use syringe filters offer flow rates at low inlet pressures allowing for a correspondingly rapid sterile filtration.

High flow filters for sterile filtration, particle removal and ultracleaning. Independent ready-to-use syringe filters with PES membrane filter feature excellent flow speed and high filtrable volume. Provides rapid volume sterilisation with maximum user convenience. Ready-to-use units offer flow rates at low inlet pressures allowing for a correspondingly rapid sterile filtration.


Dark Blue
For sterile and reliable filtration of small to medium volumes
Male Luer Slip
ETO Sterilized
28 mm
0.2 μm
6.2 cm2
0.15 mL
Female Luer Lock
High Flow Syringe Filter
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