DWK Life Sciences Offer Genius Bottles


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Exclusive to New Lab Start-Up Customers

One-Time Offer: Limited Edition Genius Bottle Range

To claim your bottle, purchase 400€ worth of DWK Life Sciences products between now and 31 December 2023. You can submit several orders on any DWK Live Sciences products (brands included: DURAN™, WHEATON™, KIMBLE™, PYREX™, QUICKFIT™, AZLON™, MBL™ and SVL™) that total 400€ but hurry while the supply of bottles lasts!

To celebrate the work of leading scientific figures, DWK Life Sciences has produced a second, limited edition Genius bottle range.

The DURAN™ YOUTILITY™ Genius Edition 2 500mL bottles contain all the benefits of the standard DURAN YOUTILITY™ range and feature designs of three inspiring scientists. They are:

  • Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943), known for his contribution to alternative current (AC) electric supply.
  • English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727), known for his work on calculus and his laws of motion and universal gravitation.
  • Polish-French physicist and chemist Marie Curie (1867 – 1934), known for her pioneering research on radioactivity, who is celebrated with a second Genius Edition bottle to mark her achievement of holding two Nobel Prizes in different scientific fields.

These limited-edition bottles are yours to collect as a New Lab Start Up customer.

Fill out the form below with your sales order number(s) and choose your free bottle.